Walking with the Trees on SE Bidwell

Walking with the Trees on SE Bidwell

Walking with the Trees on SE Bidwell

Walking with the Trees on SE Bidwell

Meandering the blocks, tracing patterns
of wind, the geometry of breath,
at dawn I ascend as juncos spurt
some chatter and maple’s leafy face
yellows to reveal its veins saying

you cannot hide
from your body

delivered on a ray of light, as a bee left
from the hive knowing why
and that she will return
coated in the hue of petals’ morning skin
with their first juices spun with dew, drawn
for her kin, in every cell
of comb the gold begins to pool,
she fans her offering to make it sweeter
as I imagine the silken air beneath her wings
now woven through the wind in me saying

breathe this life
as though it is overflowing

and drifting through the many humble Trees
who stand beside you
simply lay your cheek into their bark
feel their long living

heart, alive with the song and flitting cells
of birds who claim you are

safe, every breath accepts

how much
you need
this Earth.